Natural Pain Relief
Creating a Future with Good Health
Glen Larsen is Changing the Way You Heal Physically & Emotionally.
I provide holistic healing and natural pain relief in-person in California all over the world by phone for $50 per hour.
Together, we improve your wellness by relieving pain naturally, addressing allergies, balancing energy, releasing barriers from the past, removing stress, and adopting healthy habits.
Thirty years of studying with 50 different healers has helped me develop skills that allow me to see into your body and mind as if your skin were glass. I use techniques like muscle testing, medical and psychological intuition, sound healing, aromatherapy, and quantum biofeedback to help transform your health.
Have you stumped the doctors about what's causing your pain and suffering? Are you searching for natural pain relief? Would you like to know how to improve your health naturally? Are you fed up with feeling fatigued or confused? Come see me today!
I know firsthand what it's like to be where you are now. I've tried many different things to be healthier. In the process, I've developed skills and abilities that regular Western medicine doesn't understand or do. I am not a medical doctor, but I understand healing from the inside out.

Let's solve this mystery together!
Are you struggling with…
Mysterious discomfort whose origins the doctors can’t figure out?
Your doctor dismissing your concerns and ignoring your pleas for help?
Mental stress that doesn’t seem related to any events in your life?
Feeling lost and hopeless about your physical condition?
Craving food and substances that are not healthy for you?
Together, we can use muscle testing, quantum biofeedback, and intuitive means to help you start to feel better soon. I like to take on situations that defy medical testing and diagnosis. While I am not medically trained, I am well-versed in many healing modalities that help you relieve stress and pain naturally. If you’re willing to make lifestyle changes, and accept responsibility for the parts of your condition that you have control over, I can be your healing ally.
Healing is nonlinear and individual. What works for one person may not work for you. That is why it’s important to find what works for your body, mind and spirit; just because something is trendy and doctors say everyone should be doing it, doesn’t make that so. We can come up with a plan that works for you and your body’s unique needs. I’m happy to be of service in this way.
Available healing methods:
Quantum Biofeedback
Applied Kinesiology
Tuning the Human Energy Field
Wellness consultation & coaching
Aromatherapy can provide natural pain relief.
We all get injuries and illnesses that cause us discomfort and pain. Many times, doctors rely on pharmaceutical agents like opioid painkillers and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs to address this pain. However, these are not healthy for the body and often tax the liver and kidneys. Some people also abuse alcohol in order to sleep when pain bothers them at night.
Did you know that aromatherapy can help alleviate pain and support your overall health? There are certain clients, like rosemary, peppermint, and lemongrass, that naturally relief pain. I use essential oils of these plants in order to help you feel better quickly and naturally. I help you select what is right for your unique body and needs with applied kinesiology. Why not use the power of mother nature to restore you to your natural state of excellent health?
These powerful oils can help with other things besides pain relief as well. For instance, they can improve your mental well-being, strengthen your immune system, and improve your skin.
Here's an example of someone who benefited from the amazing powers of aromatherapy:
A young client, K.B., was suffering from chronic lung ailments. He was hospitalized every other month when I met him for lung issues. After working with him for a few months, using aromatherapy, he no longer went to the hospital. As a matter of fact, he was so healthy that he began fighting forest fires to make a living. He never had lung issues since then.
Tuning fork sound therapy also helps with natural pain relief.
If you have a long-standing injury that has not responded well to what traditional doctors have tried, consider receiving sound therapy with special tuning forks to help restore the natural vibration of your body. Glen gently applies the tuning forks to different parts of your body and can clear past negative energy from your energetic body with the tuning forks as well. For an interview with Stan Sorensen about his work with sound therapy, click here.
Come see me and become one of the success stories!

Please show consideration for the people who are sensitive to chemicals by not wearing perfume, hairspray, cologne or similar products in the office. Thank you.
DISCLAIMER: If you have a life-threatening medical condition, please call a qualified medical healthcare professional. This website and these services are not meant to replace medical treatment from a medical doctor and should not be construed as such.